Jumat, 07 Agustus 2020

This Is Lovebird Food For Gacor And How To Care For It

 This Is Lovebird Food For Gacor And How To Care For It 

There are also those who want to make it a race bird , especially the sound lovebird. Many keepers care for and maintain lovebirds from a very young age.

In maintaining this type of bird must be cared for as well as possible. So in the future will have a good performance in the field.

For lovebird lovers who have young lovebird pets, the task that should be done is to train and care for them. So that you have enough stamina and are eagerly hooked on sound.

Lovebird Care

However, when caring for lovebird to be used as a chirping bird, in an effort to get it certainly is not an instant thing.

Because in addition to providing lovebird food so that gacor has complete nutritional content. How to care for lovebirds daily so that they cringe long is also very influential in the future.

If the feed has been given according to the needs of the bird, and the daily care has been carried out properly, correctly, regularly, consistently. Therefore, the chance of achieving a chirp that can chirp with a long giggle will be even greater.

Actually, for how to care for lovebird so that itself is not complicated or difficult to do.

It can be said that, because caring for birds to open the beak, it turns out also the same as the daily settings that are mostly done by other birdsong lovers.

In order to be able to gacor, the method that is done is to regularly bathe it until it is soaked.

Then also regulate the feeding, and give multivitamins. For more details, following care and lovebird food so that it is cheesy.

Bathing Lovebird Routinely

Daily lovebird care, which is done by bathing until the feathers are soaked, can actually trigger the stamina of the birds.

So it is possible if later it is able to make it creaking long. In the process of bathing itself, it is the same as the time for bathing other types of singing birds in general.

Among others, in the morning and during the day. However, because bathing the bird is done until the bird is soaked, it is better if it is done in a timely manner.

Which after bathing a bird must have time to dry or exposed to the sun's heat.

In addition, bathing birds can be sprayed with a sprayer or using a shower cage. In the morning, bathing the bird until the bird is soaked can be applied at 07.00.


After the morning ripe is done, the birds can be dried in the sun for about 3 hours, or more precisely from 07.00 to 10.00.

After 3 hours of drying, the birds can be immediately aired for about 15 minutes by hanging on the porch, in the shade, or in a shade tree.

Then for the bathing time during the day, the owner can do it exactly at 12.00. After that, the birds can be aerated in the shade again.

In spare time, which birds do not bathe in the afternoon. Well, this afternoon can be used to memasternya with lovebird MP3 sound.

Let Gacor's Lovebird Food

The growth of birds, including the development in their singing ability, is also greatly influenced by the feed they are given each day.

So that the needs of various kinds of nutrients needed by birds can be fulfilled perfectly. So it is recommended to give lovebird food so that gacor is given a variety.

The lovebird food that must be given every day also greatly affects the potential of the birds in the future.

If the food and daily care are given properly and are in accordance with the character of the bird itself, the results you will get will be satisfying.

However, if you don't pay attention to these various kinds of things, then there is a clear possibility that later the bird's appearance may tend to be ordinary and have nothing special. The following is lovebird food so that it is gacor.

Canary Seed

Apart from blackthroat, finches, parakeets, canaries and other seed-eating birds, lovebirds also really like to eat canary seeds.

In food in the form of walnuts, there are nutrients needed for the bird's growth system. This type of food is similar to millet, canary seeds also contain protein, carbohydrates and fat.

Apart from being able to refresh the body, several types of nutrients are also often considered if they are able to increase stamina.

It can also improve a voice that was hoarse, or it can even stimulate a bird that previously refused to open its beak.

However, there are things you should know before giving lovebird feed with these walnut seeds. Many consider that the good grains consumed are old, shiny yellow.

Besides that, it is odorless, clean and also dry. Then for canary seeds which are white and soft when you press them, they are young seeds and they are not good if given.

In addition, canary seed also contains fat, in order to avoid obesity or too fat. For that it is advisable not to give excessively or can be mixed with milet.

Sweet Corn

Loverbird food so gacor can be with this sweet corn. In corn there are various kinds of nutrients that are good for maintaining health in the bird's eye.

Vitamins C and B, beta carotene, folate and crypthoxanthin are the types of nutrients present in sweet corn.

For this type of nutrition, besides being believed to be able to maintain eye health, it is also widely assessed if it is able to strengthen the muscles and immunity of loverbird birds.

For good corn, if given, is young corn. Instead of old corn, baby corn has a softer texture so it's easy to eat.

Oats Or Oats (Avena Sativa)

Feed in the form of oats is widely considered to be able to calm and also speed up the process of birds in the moult phase. Make the structure of the fur tissue repair to make it look more beautiful.

In addition, it can increase calm so that birds do not easily drop and stress. And also improve the structure of the skin tissue so that it is not easily irritated.

Walnut seeds can also improve the work system of bird organs, especially digestion. It can also reduce the possibility of bad cholesterol disorders. So blood circulation and heart become smoother.

Oat seeds are very good to give to birds that are just experiencing illness. And can increase obesity in birds that have thin bodies.

In addition, this lovebird feed in the form of seeds contains protein, calories and carbohydrates, so it is very suitable if it is given to bird sires who are passing their chicks.

If lover bird chicks frequently receive bites of oat seeds from their broodstock, chances are that their growth will be even faster.

Sprouts Or Toge

The sprouts contain a wide variety of nutrients and are necessary for a bird's growing system. Both in terms of health or development of ability in singing.

Of the many tutorials needed by bird lovers , how to care for lovebird birds is the most sought after. Of course, so that the birds they care for can gacor and have a long creak, which is one of the unique sounds of lovebir birds.

Are you the one who keeps birds with this unique color? Want to know how the daily maintenance is so that birds can become champions when participating in competitions? Check the following tips.

How to take care of a LoveBird bird so that it is gacor and long

Actually, if you look at the whole, the care of this bird that is usually cultivated is not much different from other birds. The only difference is the feeding and a few other treatments. For more details, consider the following.

1. Cage Cleaning

We start from simple things but are often ignored by many lovers of butung, namely cleaning the cage or sometimes that must be done regularly. It is no longer a secret that a clean place to live will make the occupants healthier. This health will keep our stamina fit.

The same thing happens to our pet birds, if you want to have a bird with the name of love is healthy and gacor, then the cleanliness of the cage must be considered.

2. Bathe the LoveBird

It's not just you who need to take a shower every day, the birds you care for are the same to avoid bacteria or diseases that might stick to their feathers. If in the wild, this bird will definitely be exposed to water during the rainy season, if you raise it, how is it exposed to water?

Therefore, we need to bathe lovebird birds regularly, either once a day before drying or once a week. In doing pemadian, make sure the base of the cage is removed first, and also cleaned.

3. Drying

After we bathe the birds, of course we have to make sure that the feathers dry quickly, one of which is by drying them after bathing. This drying should also be done every day with a duration of 2-3 hours, but of course it must be adjusted to the health of the bird.

Ideally, the right time for drying is 7 am to 9 am, this will make the birds fitter, and of course the resulting sound is much more powerful.

4. Choosing a Feed

In addition to the three things that we have mentioned, bird feed is also one of the secrets so that bird stamina is maintained so that the end result makes lovebird birds become gacor and have long cuffs.

Some of the daily foods of the LoveBird Bird are Walnuts, Sweet Corn, Oat Seeds, Toge, and several other vegetables.

5. Maturation

After finishing drying, we will usually place the birds in a certain location. If some of the guidelines above are used to ensure the health of birds, this fifth step is actually another secret on how to care for lovebirds so that they are gacor and long.

As much as possible to place the bird in a location that is quiet, bright, and has good ventilation. This is to ensure that the birds we care for always have a good mood and so that birds are not easily stressed .

It would be much better if there are several birds in a row so that in this condition, one bird and another can mutter their voices so that it lures them to be more diligent in sounding.

6. Pemasteran

If other birds are pasted for a full 24 hours, for this lovebird we must adjust it to the characteristics of the birds. Pemasteran can be done when we make changes, whether we do it or not.

But certainly, the pemasteran must be done in a calm place and atmosphere so that the lovebird birds can hear the sound we are listening solemnly. In addition to the day after drying, we can also do pemasteran in the evening before the resting bird.

This is done so that the lovebird birds can really remember the sounds we have heard and are firmly embedded before taking regular breaks. In this stage, what you really need to pay attention to is the media master that you will use, which is a good master, not fake, and there are many variations.

7. Giving Vitamins

One person and another may have different ways regarding how to care for lovebird birds so that they have a long and gacor creaking voice , one of which is by providing vitamins so that stamina is maximized.

However, our advice, giving vitamins should be done properly and not excessive so that something unwanted does not happen. Some of the vitamins that can be given to lovebird are extra fooding and several other brands of supplements available in the market.

There are lots of supplements on the market, but we don't think it is appropriate if you mention it in this article considering that this website is not affiliated with any products and brands.

Those are 7 ways to care for lovebird birds that you can practice daily, of course you can improvise with other techniques that you have heard or done yourself. All the steps we cover here are important, so it would be best if you did all of them without missing a beat.